The Secrets to Hitting Consistent

5k Revenue Months in your Business


Learn the top foundational strategies required to get your business on a path to $5k months, with more clarity, confidence and ease.


Join us for our free workshop: December 5th 12 PM PST/ 3 PM EST

Save my Spot!

We get it. You started a business with so much excitement. But you have had up and down revenue months and now worry you will have to get a “real” job. By putting our framework into place you should be hitting those elusive 5k months in the next 60-90 days. Just imagine the many ways that revenue would change your life and your business.

Right now in your business, you are feeling….

  • Confused on who your customer is and so you’re trying to serve everyone.
  • Scared you will have to get a job to pay your bills
  • Like you have no clue what to prioritize, so you sit at your desk paralyzed or scrolling social media
  • Concerned about making enough $$$ to have a real business
  • Lonely because you do so much of your work alone and you don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off of

The good news: It doesn’t have to be so hard.

In this value packed training you will discover:

  • The foundational pieces that must be figured out to hit your desired revenue
  • Clarity around how to define your target market and why it is so important
  • The framework for messaging your customers the right way
  • The perfect combo of mindset + strategy to get you to your goals, faster.
  • The roadmap to get you to 5k, 10k and 30k + months.
Hey! We are Emily & Ankita, the co founders of My Founder Circle. We have been in your shoes and we know what the early stage of starting a company is like. Emily started her company with $1000 and a rolling rack in her living room. Ankita worked late hours fueled bu caffeine at a very early stage startup. We have coached hundreds of product and service founders, brick and mortar and online businesses on how to set the foundations that will give them long term success and consistent revenue they can depend on. We have scaled our own companies to 6 and 7 figures, starting with this framework and now, we are ready to help you.

Join us live to be entered to win a FREE 50 minute strategy call with Emily or Ankita

I'm in! Save my Seat!

What other’s are saying….

“This workshop helped me figure out what was really holding me back in my business. I felt so lost before attending this and Emily and Ankita helped me find clarity on what I need to focus on going forward.”

Sarah Y.



“Ankita and Emily are pros at helping founders. They care so much about every single business that comes in front of them and it was such a blessing to have their eyes on my business. I recommend this workshop to any founder that wants help figuring out how to hit those big revenue goals. They helped me feel less alone and like I had a path to follow to grow my business.”

Linzay D.

Starting a company and getting to a solid 5k revenue each month is hard. We know it is lonely and confusing and can be very defeating. You also are faced with everyone on the internet telling you how to make money quickly or how to scale overnight. Here’s the issue: A viral instagram won’t get you to consistent revenue. Using trending audio or a shiny website won’t get you there. The only thing that can truly build you consistent revenue in your business is solid foundations. We have set these up in our businesses and we have guided clients to as well. We know that this works. So please, stop spending so many hours on your Instagram or Tik Tok strategy and come to this workshop. We want more female founders scaling their businesses and we want them to know that it doesn’t have to be so hard. We hope to see you there.
Save my Spot!

All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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